That's Easy.

Try a

Roca Bar.

Nut Free


Gluten Free

Try a

Roca Bar.

You’ll be thrilled.

We know Almond is in the name of many of our products, but fear not, we have an allergy-friendly, nut-free confection in our inventory.
Roca Bars are safe enough for even those with extreme nut allergies, because they are made in a completely nut-free facility, allowing for safe, worry-free consumption!
Roca Bars are made with our signature blend of cocoa beans, which are sourced from several locations in West Africa and then processed in the US.
We create a luxuriously rich nut-free chocolate that goes into our Roca Bars and sprinkle our signature buttercrunch toffee throughout.
The toffee is made by caramelizing locally sourced fresh butter, pure vanilla, and sugar, to create the most irresistible sweet and salty crunch.
Almond Roca offers Nut Free Options with Roca Bars

Try a

Roca Bar.

It might just be your next favorite nut-free treat!